ATTENTION: Passionate DJs... |
"Discover How to Transform your PASSION for Music
into a +$1,200/night
Mobile DJ Business" |
Even if you have little experience as a DJ, you can instantly start building a full-time business while get paid to party and entertain guests! |
Yes, Mobile DJ'ing is THAT lucrative! Read on to discover how you too can work part-time hours and get paid full-time income doing what you love...

James Wedmore
From: James Wedmore, Professional DJ
RE: Making More Money as a "Mobile DJ"
Dear friend,
If you're reading this webpage, I'm sure you've already considered the possibilities that Mobile Deejaying has in store for you. Perhaps you were at a wedding or other big event, and you saw another DJ in action. He controls the crowd, gets the energy flowing, and effortlessly walks away with a big chunk of change at the end of the night for just a few hours of work.
Or perhaps you have already "gotten your feet wet" and DJ'ed an event or two in the past, and let me were hooked! Four to five hours on a Saturday night, a few drinks and some great food, and by the end of the night you forgot you were even "working."
The guests have fallen in love with you, the client has recommended you to all of her friends, and you leave with a fat check...not bad my friend.
The bottom line: This is your chance to take your PASSION for music and deejaying and turn it into a lucrative business where you...
The problem is, most DJ's have no idea where to start...
The 3 Myths About Mobile DJing: |
MYTH #1: "Deejaying is Just a Hobby, and You Can't Make Any Real Money Doing it" |
Sadly, if you take a quick peek at your local Craigslist listings, you'll find a sea of clueless Deejays offering their services at less than $100 an hour. Most believe that deejaying is "just a hobby" and can't be turned into a lucrative business. WRONG! There are over 250,000 deejays across America. Over 70% of them have a full-time DJ business as a primary source of income.
In fact, the best Deejays are charging $2,000 to $5,000 for a single night's work-and they are booked every single weekend! So the question remains: why can't you do the same? |
MYTH #2: "You Need to Have Years of DJ SKills to Make Money" |
I know what you're thinking...those high-priced Deejays have +10-20 years of experience and are WAY better Deejays & Emcees than you could ever be! WRONG Again! Let's get something straight: there is no correlation with your skill level as a DJ and the rate you charge for your services. The only correlation is with your confidence level and your marketing (more on that in a second...)
Most of the high-priced Deejays out there are the "seasoned-veterans" with +10 years experience, right? But that's only because they've learned the loooong & hard way that they could charge more if they simply ask. What if I could teach you in days what it took those "other guys" years to learn...
MYTH #3: "You Need to Have Expensive Equipment to Charge Premium Prices |
Ha! You don't even need any equipment at all to get started(yes, I show you that, too!). There are plenty of ways you can "get your feet wet" as a mobile DJ without even spending a nickel on equipment. But, even once you do have your equipment, you can purchase everything you would ever need for less than $1,000 and it will be more than enough to please ANY client.
There is no correlation with how much money you charge and the quality of equipment you own. |
What does it Take to Become a Successful Mobile DJ?
You don't need years of experience or the skill-level of a DJ in Ibiza...
...You don't even need fancy-schmancy equipment or lighting kits...
So what does it take to become a successful, lucrative DJ with a constant surge of high-paying clients begging to hire you?
Well, the one thing you do need is going to be easier to obtain than you think, and the majority of your competitors will never possess it...
...the answer...
Savvy Business & Marketing Skills.
If you are ready to start succeeding as a Mobile DJ so you can charge premium rates to a large pool of clients begging to hire you, than you need to stop thinking like a DJ, and begin thinking like a Business Owner.
The Business-Owner Mind set: Do You Have it?
Whatever happened to that childhood dream of wanting to grow up and do something you love? When did "reality" set in and society tell us that we have to work long, hard hours at something we hated in order to eek by?
Your Mobile DJ Business is your chance to do something you love as a full-time career choice. But if you want your passion to "keep you afloat" and make you the money you deserve, you're gonna need to develop some business and marketing skills. You're gonna need to develop your Mind set
And the best part is, the more you grow these business & marketing skills, the more your income grows.
Give Me Just 3 Hours a Week, and I Will Transform the Way You Think About work!
I know building a business is not easy, but I have simplified that process into an extremely simple and detailed step-by-step guide that allows you take baby steps and work as you go so you are not overwhelmed by looming tasks that seem to never get completed.
I will personally show you the path to Mobile DJ Success! I will show you how to perfect your DJ skills, create a surge of incoming clients, book gigs for +$1,500/night and create a full-time career with your passion!
I know this all sounds great, but…
Who am I to Give YOU Advice on How to Start a Business?
I appreciate your skepticism. There are many scams and get-rich-quick schemes floating around the Internet, and you must be careful about everything you purchase. Obviously you know that a career as a Mobile DJ is not a scam and you can easily succeed at it. You just need to know how...
But let me tell you, if you have read this far, it means that you show some dissatisfaction with your current job and you are looking for more! Well, that was me, not too long ago.
My story started when I was 21. Broke & jobless, I tried my best at bartending. After getting turned down by every bar and restaurant I interviewed at ("sorry James, you just don't have the experience,") I decided to bartend for weddings and private parties instead.
And I hit the mother load!
That was the birth of my Event-Staffing Business! I quickly grew my little bartending venture into a very successful business providing everything from bartenders, servers and even Deejays for special events, weddings, corporate parties and more!
Most importantly, I learned the in's-and-out's of successful business-building and effective marketing.
Every business step, marketing technique, and Mobile DJ trick, has been recorded and documented as highly effective, and it is all included right here ready for you to steal and duplicate so that you too can live the dream of a successful Mobile DJ and make hundreds-THOUSANDS! a night—100% guaranteed!
Introducing the DJ-4-Profit Home Study Course:

All of your BURNING Questions Answered, like:
How do I get started as a Mobile DJ?
How much do I charge my clients?
How do I charge more?
Do I need a License and Insurance? What about Contracts?
What DJ Equipment do I need and where do I find the best deals?
How do I promote my business?
How do I get a website up and running?
...and 1,001 other questions, Answered!!
Here’s just a fraction of what you are getting…

PART I. 16 Steps To: Build your own Mobile DJ Business from Scratch!
- Learn how to get your first clients within days and start making money NOW!
- Learn how to get your business up in running in NO TIME!
- Discover the Single Biggest Mistake your competitors constantly make and how you can avoid it!
- Crack the code for deciphering which events are the most lucrative (more money!) and how to book them every time!
- Instantly create professional websites, logos, and business cards without any experience (or money!)
- Learn the Underground Sales Techniques that prepare you for any customer!
- The Most Valuable Information: How to charge MORE than any of your competitors (no matter how much experience you have) and still make the sale!
- The Single Most Important Factor that your business MUST have to drive customers to you!

PART II. The Art of Deejaying
- Discover what it takes to be a successful DJ so your guests fall in love with you!
- Learn where to find the best deals on your essential DJ equipment that you would ever need so you can save time & money!
- Get Access to your DJ Wedding Scripts so you can easily emcee your first 200 guest wedding like a pro!
- Discover the little tips & tricks you can do throughout the night to get your client & your guests to eat right out of the palm of your hands! (Guaranteed to get a bigger tip!)
- Learn everything you need about how to prepare for an event, set-up and play you so you are ready for any situation!
- Save hours and discover the Essential List of Must-Place Party Songs that are a hit at every event!

PART III. The COMPLETE Guide of Effective Marketing Strategies for Mobile DJ's
- How to attract more clients than you could ever imagine so you can choose from the best!
- Discover what your ideal client is really looking for in a DJ-the answer will be shocking and can change your business forever!
- Dozens of underground tips and strategies for free, effective advertising that will keep your phone ringing off the hook.
- The single biggest Marketing Mistake you could be making and how to instantly avoid it.
- Discover the 5 most-effective ways to instantly get more visitors to your website!
- How a few tweaks of your website can turn it into an instant-selling machine so your clients are ready to book you as soon as you answer the phone!

PART IV: Highly Effective Sales Strategies
- Discover how to charge Premium Prices and close the deal every time!
- Your simple Sales Scripts that will increase your bottom line-just say these magic words and the client is putty in your hands!
- How to deal with clients over the phone versus meeting in person!
- How to get inside the client's head so you can deliver the value that they want!
- How to Master selling without ever needing to sell!

PART V. Beyond Mobile Deejaying: Expand & Grow Your Business
- Learn the one thing that will Skyrocket you to over $2,500 a night!
- Take your business to the next level and discover the secrets of hiring an entire staff that works for YOU!
- Automate your business and make money while you sleep!
Through extensive trial and error, I have made the mistakes, I have seen failure, BUT I have also seen success. From sales and marketing, to DJ techniques and customer relations, I know what works and what doesn’t.
"Five Good Reasons to Buy" |
1. |
Results Speak For Themselves: If my program didn't work, you wouldn't buy it, right? I have been teaching business & marketing strategies to my bartender & DJ students AND other business professionals for over two & a half years now. Their testimonials and success stories speak for themselves. |
2. |
I Reveal The Latest Online Marketing Strategies: Bottom line, I show you what works. And what is working is effective online marketing, social media, video and more. I know it like the back of my hand, and I show you some very cool stuff that no one else will ever show you! |
3. |
I Practice What I Preach: I still run my very lucrative Event-Staffing Business providing DJs, Bartenders and more to clients hosting parties all over. I am a walking, talking testimonial of my own program. I am a product of my teachings. And I am learning more every single day! |
4. |
The Most Comprehensive & Thorough Program: Let me be honest with you for a second...when I set out to create the PERFECT business & marketing course for Mobile DJs, I had to research my competitors. Although there are some "decent" programs out there, (some were horrible!) there were always gaps. They take you through step #1 & 2, but then they skip to step #10, and you're left confused. DJ-4-Profit is extremely detailed and thorough, it will answer all of your questions! |
5. |
It's a Business Investment with Zero-Risk: I'm not here to rip anybody off. (Heck! My phone number is on the page, you can call me anytime! When you order, you have a full-365 days to return the program for a full-no-questions-asked refund! There's no catch! If you're not happy, get your money back! (Check out my Guarantee below) |
But wait! There’s more….
SIX Free Bonuses (Valued at : $1,482.00)
“Yours FREE to Keep, No Matter WHAT!”
As if over 200 pages worth of material in the DJ-4-Profit System was not enough…
…You are going to be amazed at what I am offering…
There should be no excuse for you to avoid success! I want to make sure you have EVERY SINGLE tip, technique, and resource available to you that will lead to Big Profits and Huge Success!
So I have decided to give away
6 SUCCESS BONUSES-absolutely Free-
BONUS #2: Your Customizable Business Cards & Logos
(VALUE: $297)
Why make starting your business any harder than it has to be? I've included a set of over 20 business card templates that you can easily customize with your information, logos, etc.
On top of that, I have over 20 pre-made logos that you can edit and customize in just seconds! Why waste time and money with a graphic designer when I have it all here for you!

Okay so how much?
You just can't find this information anywhere else! And frankly, it is hard enough give away all of these powerful secrets as it is!
The majority of these marketing strategies and secrets cost me thousands to obtain myself, and this information will save you a ton of time (and make you a whole ton of money!)
The DJ-4-Profit System includes EVERYTHING you need to know on how to start your Mobile DJ Business and grow it into an extremely lucrative career. Plus I give you the keys to the castle with all of your files, templates, logos, and custom website so you can get started immediately. This is a BUSINESS-IN-A-BOX investment with a potential for unlimited growth! Not only that, but this program is a Shortcut to Success that will SAVE you valuable time and costly mistakes (like the one's I made!). Considering you can make +$,2000/night, A $1,997.00 investment for The DJ-4-Profit System would be considered a bargain.
Other Deejays and Business Advisors have suggested I sell this information for $997.00. I'm tempted to put a price tag of $397, BUT I would rather see this valuable information in the hands of a motivated individual who is ready to take action. So I will leave the price at just $197 - at least for today.
The Investment price will pay for itself before the end of your very first event! The rest is profit!! If the price were any cheaper, EVERYONE would have a copy! Do you really want your competing Deejays to get their hands on this?
- So, are you ready to turn your hobby into a Career?
- Are you ready to make some serious cash while only working part time hours?
- Are you ready to take control of your life and make the money you deserve?
If so, Click here to Invest. |
If not, what’s stopping you?
Truth is, the only thing stopping you is your own doubt.
Admit it. You’re asking yourself things like…
- Will this system really work?
- Will this system really work for me?
- Should I trust what this guy is telling me?
All good questions, of course. |
But it’s that very voice of doubt that is keeping you from moving forward.
I know it’s tough to swallow, but doubt is the reason most people don’t take action, and consequently why most people stay stuck.
Well, let me ease your concerns…
"My Crazy 365 Day Guarantee"
I'm never satisfied unless you are more than satisfied. So here's my simple, "No Small Print" Guarantee. Try DJ-4-Profit today and put it through the ringer! Use every strategy and technique as much you'd like for 12 full months.
You be the judge. If this program doesn't deliver everything I've promised, or if you're unhappy with it for any reason, just return it and I'll immediately refund your money. No. Questions. Asked.
I have no problem making this iron-clad guarantee because I've personally profited from many of these strategies and techniques so I know they work. Fair enough.
Oh, and if you still have any questions, just give me a call:
-James Wedmore |
Claim Your Copy of "The DJ-4-Profit System" By Clicking Here |
The moment you open this book and start following the steps, you will be on the Path to Success. Remember, we are supposed to enjoy what we do. I am having The Time of My Life! I just want you to have that opportunity as well!
Come join me as we re-invent what it means to be a DJ! |
Here's to your Success!

James Wedmore
Mobile DJ |
P.S. Bottom Line: Just one event will easily pay for your investment! And if it doesn't, don't forget my 100% Money-Back, 365-Day Guarantee!
P.P.S. What do you have to lose? If you've read this far, you have the Passion to DJ, don't you want to make money doing something you love? |
"James Shows you how to be a SUCCESSFUL Mobile DJ..."
James Wedmore doesn't show you to be a DJ with DJ-For-Profit--he shows you how to be a successful mobile DJ, and he wants you to be the most expensive, valuable, successful mobile DJ in your market.
DJ-For-Profit covers everything, from just getting started (choosing a name for your business, setting up a website, booking your first gig) to expanding your now successful DJ business with advanced marketing strategies (blogging, sending out an eNewsletter, creating and editing video), hiring more employees, and offering full-scale party-planning services to your clients.
What impresses me most with DJ-For-Profit is not only its completeness, but also its depth. Sure, you love music and it's always your goal to make sure everyone has a great time at your event (at least you'd better if you're getting into this business) but would you play the same set list at a wedding as you would a bar-mitzvah? What about a corporate cocktail function and Fourth of July party?
You might have an idea of what equipment you need to purchase to get started (if you don't, DJ-For-Profit spells it out for you) but, should you insure your equipment? What about registering your DJ business, taxes, and other legal issues? DJ-For-Profit spells that out too. This book isn't just about how to be a DJ--it covers how to own a business. And businesses make money. DJ-For-Profit is a step by step guide, a detailed map, that leads you to extra income on the side or even a brand new career as a business owner, depending on your goals.
But DJ-For-Profit isn't for those who don't want to work or give up easily. Knowledge isn't what's necessary to make this program succeed--James provides simple yet detailed instructions on how to register your domain, get hosting, and design a website for those that don't know how, for instance--action is. Action and determination. There will be failures along the way, James warns, but that's no excuse for failure. After reading (and implementing!) DJ-For-Profit, you'll find James's enthusiasm to be contagious.
-Tom Mosher |
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